Strategy & Communities


Driving Southwark’s vision for a fairer, greener, and safer future for the borough.

Strategy & Communities


Driving Southwark’s vision for a fairer, greener, and safer future for the borough.

The Strategy & Communities department is a key driver of the borough’s 2030 vision. Serving as the ‘strategic core’ of the council, the department integrates corporate functions to support the delivery of our ambitious goals.

Our vision centres on collaboration, empowering everyone with a stake in our borough to implement the Southwark 2030 strategy, in addition to the council’s wider transformation priorities. We leverage modern change techniques, insights, and skills to provide impactful support to the council, partners, and communities. This strategic intent ensures we maintain a sustained focus on delivering our transformation agenda.

Comprising of a wide range of services including the Chief Executive’s Office, Communications, Strategy & Change, Policy, and Partnerships, we play a pivotal role in aligning the council’s political and corporate priorities. We’re firmly committed to reducing inequality, empowering residents, while investing in sustainable, preventative measures that benefit our diverse population.

As leaders in strategic change, we drive cross-council collaboration and ensure that our services are delivered with efficiency, accountability, and responsiveness to the needs of residents. Our framework for equality, diversity and inclusion is at the heart of our transformation agenda, ensuring that all our efforts contribute to people power, thriving neighbourhoods, and closing the gap in equalities.

Additionally, the department is responsible for the council’s emergency planning, leading the overall emergency response, enhancing community resilience. Together, we champion community empowerment and forge long term partnerships to secure a brighter future for all who live and work in Southwark.